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  5. Apply AI 4 GOOD. More than slogan

Apply AI 4 GOOD. More than slogan

Escrito por David Puentes i Jurado el 18/12/2018 a las 20:17:19

(Director de Desenvolupament Corporatiu, Relacions Institucionals i Comunicació. Centre de Telecomunicacions i Tecnologies de la Informació )

There are many doubts and questions about the role of data management technologies and methodologies derived from Big data, Deep learning and artificial intelligence. The vast majority of them are focused on the ethical role and its limits, the debate between potentiality, use and consequences has occupied and will occupy time generating controversy and surely some of the many possibilities will be disabled for reasons or unreasonableness that go further beyond technology. The question is how do we avoid this situation, how do we take advantage of these tools, what should be the testing ground for this whole ecosystem and what strategy and planning is followed.


In this context appears and understands the meaning of the AI communities slogan’s as powerful as the Canadian one, it is the famous 'Applied AI 4 good' that encompasses not only the extreme care and sensitivity about the data and its sources but also the vision and composition of the team responsible for the development of the different AI projects.


The work teams are professionals from different fields, with different visions and experiences, deeply connected with development and research teams from the university world focused on solving complex problems, each team member voluntarily chooses the project in which he wants to investigate, being the consequence of all this motivated, multidisciplinary and problem-oriented teams, and with a shared work dynamic. On the other hand, there is a need to have seductive projects, capable of attracting the best developers and existing solvers, in this way the projects and those responsible for them compete to get the best researchers and so inevitably engaging in a loop of excellence and of highly beneficial collaborative competition for all actors in this ecosystem.


Going to the last part of the slogan, good is the icing on the cake since the most seductive projects that attract the best researchers are those that have a greater social weight, so it can be summarized that the best talent is concentrate on the resolution with the most extreme technology at the moment of social problems, so it is not gratuitous to say that AI entails a social revolution of notable impact. Hence, the Applied AI 4 good is much more than a slogan it becomes a trend.


AI is already part of not only the tools of commercial analysis, but the language of marketing and sale of products, a recent example: a well-known Canadian bank launched this past summer a campaign saying this: 'our best intelligence ... is not artificial ' suggestive message that gives rise to many interpretations that we will comment soon in another article.