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  5. 10 best ChatGPT statistics of 2023

10 best ChatGPT statistics of 2023

Escrito por Agencias Externas el 15/08/2023 a las 20:45:41

The data analysts at have compiled 10 of the most eye opening statistics around OpenAI's ChatGPT:

1. ChatGPT forecasted revenue of $1 billion dollars, end of 2024 (once monetized)

While ChatGPT is free for users to use at the moment, OpenAI are currently considering monetisation of the app. According to Reuters, ChatGPT is predicted to earn $200 million in revenue by the end of 2023 and $1 billion dollars by the end of 2024.

2. End of 2023, AI industry revenue forecasted to break 1/2 trillion ($)

The AI industry became a 432.8 billion dollar industry in 2022. [Source: Enterprise Apps Today]

3. OpenAI users are 2/3 male.

Is OpenAI mostly used by men or women? The answer, it seems, is men. According to EnterpriseAppsToday, OpenAI users are mostly male (66%). Females make up 34% of its users.

4. 1/3 of Americans think AI-based text generation will overall be a bad thing for society.

As of Q1 2023, 36% of people surveyed believe that AI-based text generation will be a bad thing for society.

According to a survey of 1000 US adults by YouGov, the majority of respondents feel that AI bots will be a bad thing for society. [The results of the survey were generated by analysing data from 1000 U.S. Adult Citizens from January 24 – 27, 2023]

5. India is the country most trusting of AI bots.

According to a survey (conducted by KPMG Australia and the University of Queensland) published in March 2023, 75% of survey respondents in India stated that they were willing to trust AI systems.

6. Each ChatGPT user views 6.22 pages on average per visit

According to, each ChatGPT user views an average of 6.22 pages per visit. Seeing as the unofficial industry standard is 2 pages per session, ChaptGPT boasts 3 times the average number of pages per visit.

7. ChatGPT costs an estimated $100,000 to run daily.

An AI ML Professor at Maryland University, Tom Goldstein, has estimated that the daily cost of running ChatGPT is $100,000, and that the monthly costs equate to $3,000,000.

8. Open AI products are used in 348 companies in the United States.

Many companies around the world are embracing the new world of AI technology. According to EnterpriseAppsToday, in the US alone, 348 companies are currently using OpenAI products. The breakdown is as follows:

9. AI will be considered ‘critical’ in financial business worldwide by 2025.

According to Statista, in 2025, it is expected that 41% of financial businesses worldwide will see Ai as critical to their business.

10. 25% of Americans think AI bots will lead to fewer jobs

As of Q1 2023, 25% of people think that AI bots will lead to ‘many fewer jobs’ in the future. [Survey of 1000 U.S. Adult Jan 24 – 27, 2023. Source: YouGov]