A third of Europeans using mobile for commerceEscrito por Redacción TNI el 26/11/2013 a las 22:32:061982
European mobile users are showing a significant appetite for buying goods and services on their phones, according to new research.
Conducted by On Device Research on behalf of Actix, across France, Germany and the UK, the research shows that more than 30% of mobile users are making purchases on their phones, with Germans the most likely to use mobile commerce.
Neil Coleman, Director of Global Marketing at Actix, says: “What is surprising about this research is the consistency of the numbers across the three largest European markets. In each one between 32% and 35% of mobile users are transacting on the phone.”
Coleman points out that this challenges operators to deliver a more consistent subscriber experience. “Subscribers need to rely on their transaction taking place in mobile commerce or mobile banking, without drops in data coverage or slow response times causing transactions to time out.”
The issue for mobile operators is that factors such as coverage holes, location congestion, and underperforming infrastructure can impact a subscriber’s user experience, as Coleman outlines: “Today apps make it easy to transact via the mobile – anything from buying shares to banking to shopping. Consumers are showing a real appetite for this as demonstrated in these figures, but network coverage and capacity can vary greatly, even from one street to another or inside and outside a building. If operators cannot deliver their part of the experience, users will churn.”
Monitoring the mobile network, particularly the Radio Access Network (RAN), which is responsible for 85% of all user experience issues, helps operators identify where they need to improve subscriber experience, particularly for early adopters and high value customers that are transacting on the mobile.
Through the ActixOne platform mobile operators can locate and analyze the quality of calls and data connections, providing better insight into subscribers’ experiences. Operators can then accurately target optimization activities, prioritizing the places where they need to improve service provision and deliver greater capacity, so reducing churn and improving customer loyalty.