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Connecting the Mobility World with 5G-V2X

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 22/01/2019 a las 18:13:43

Intelligent transportation and mobility systems are key in the globally shared aspiration towards smarter cities, safety, and new mobility applications. As the cornerstone of this smart ecosystem, ‘Cellular Vehicle to Everything’ (C-V2X) technology is ready to bridge communication between vehicles, pedestrians and infrastructure.


On February 27th, the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) welcomes you to its MWC keynotes (9:15-12:15), providing a deep-dive on the capabilities of C-V2X and how it is already shaping the mobility of the future. 5GAA members, such as Audi, BMW, Deutsche Telecom, Ericsson, Harman, Huawei, Qualcomm and Vodafone, will zoom in on the current state of C-V2X technology and the road to future applications, based on 5G.


Below is a short overview of the planned keynotes, further details can be found here. Alongside the opportunity to join the session(s) matching your particular interest, we also offer 1-1 interviews with key member companies speaking at the event.


Connecting the Mobility World with C-V2X




5GAA growing momentum (Nokia)


C-V2X ignites an Automotive Connected Revolution (Qualcomm)


C-V2X for road operations (Huawei)


Panel discussion: C-V2X ready to roll out on a global level (Vodafone, Harman, Ford and BMW)


From LTE-V2X to Fully Automated Driving with 5G-V2X



5G for Automotive: Key Applications (Audi AG)


5G from concept to reality: C-V2X technology roadmap (Ericsson)


Panel discussion: 5G Automotive in practice – what it will take? (Deutsche Telecom, 5GAA)


The path from LTE-V2X to 5G-V2X is continuing to move swiftly. Today we are at the verge of its commercial breakthrough. Find out for yourself how 5G will enable and open future connected mobility – and learn more about the challenges that still lay ahead of us.

See you in Barcelona!

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