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IncrediBuild to Launch Linux and Android Acceleration Solutions

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 02/09/2014 a las 11:18:32

Tecnonews presents a new product. IncrediBuild, the leading solution provider of software development and continuous delivery acceleration technology, announces the launch and beta program of its new suite of offerings to natively support and accelerate Linux- and Android-based builds and application development processes.

The new offering has been designed under the same architecture and business logic of the IncrediBuild for Windows products, with a strong emphasis on all features and functionality developers so appreciate in IncrediBuild, such as ease of use and off-the-shelf deployment to Linux- and Android-based development groups with immediate acceleration benefits.

“What we can already disclose is that we’ve kept to our roots with regard to simplicity and enhanced value. We’re very pleased with the results and can’t wait to make it generally available,” says Eyal Maor, IncrediBuild CEO.

The system has already been tested and approved by leading software vendors. IncrediBuild will shortly launch a formal beta program, and the product will be released  in Q4. (Contact IncrediBuild at to get more information and register for the beta program).

Core capabilities of the Linux & Android versions include:
•    Accelerates builds, tests and other high-throughput tasks
•    No recoding or reconfiguration requirements; just wrap your build command with IncrediBuild
•    Quickly and easily add new machines to IncrediBuild's compute farm to further accelerate the process
•    Build analysis to detect errors and bottlenecks in your build process
•    On-the-fly build reports maintain the quality of your CD process
•    IncrediBuild's reporting further analyzes and improves your build environment