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  5. Infotecs At The Forefront Of Quantum Cryptography

Infotecs At The Forefront Of Quantum Cryptography

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 01/08/2017 a las 18:46:28

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize modern computing by attaining computing speeds previously thought impossible. However, computing that is significantly faster would also make it easy to break many of today’s encryption techniques. One reason for this is that if encryption keys are used too frequently, attackers can find statistical patterns that allow decryption of the data. The solution to that problem is to change keys very frequently – sometimes as much as several times per second.


Infotecs has invested roughly 4.8 million dollars over three years in the development of a post-quantum cryptography (PQK) technology that manages key exchange. Infotecs, in cooperation with international scientific institutions, is working to develop a marketable, efficient, but affordable solution for the construction of a secure quantum data network.

"The IT security sector is facing an extremely difficult challenge because of increasingly high-performance computer systems," comments Josef Waclaw, CEO of Infotecs GmbH. "Our cryptographers have been working intensively since autumn 2016 on the development of a post-quantum cryptography solution to provide our customers with a market-ready encryption technology that meets the changing future requirements for secure, encrypted communication."