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ISE 2024 Facts and Figures Released

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 05/03/2024 a las 11:59:31

With a record-breaking attendance of 73,891 verified attendees from 162 countries, ISE 2024 solidified its position as the premier destination for industry professionals seeking cutting-edge technologies, insightful education, and unparalleled networking opportunities. The show's bustling exhibition floor, boasting the highest number of exhibitors to date at 1,408, and the expansive show floor space of 82,000 sqm net, provided a vibrant backdrop for the exchange of ideas and the showcasing of groundbreaking solutions.


Attendance Data and Audience Demographics:


  • Among all attendee groups, 24,815 people (33.6%) visited ISE for the first time, with 46.92% of first-time visitors from Spain.
  • The total number of visits across the four days reached 172,627, with an average of 2.2 days spent at ISE 2024 by attendees. 
  • Daily visits on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all achieved record numbers for those respective days at any edition of ISE.
  • Over 80% of attendees were from the commercial sector, with a significant presence also from the residential sector.
  • Attendees spanned a wide range of job titles, with CEOs, C-suite executives, and directors making up a substantial portion.
  • 4 out of 5 visitors reported that they either made the final purchasing decision, influenced the decision, or made recommendations for it.
  • The gender diversity of attendees continued to increase, with 16.6% identifying as female and 1.9% as non-binary or preferring not to specify.

Global Reach and Influence:


  • Attendees from 162 countries were represented at ISE 2024, with significant increases seen in attendees from important AV market territories such as Germany, Belgium, Poland, and China.
  • Over 90% of total attendance came from the top 30 countries represented at the event.

End-User and AV Channel Focus:


  • 30% of ISE 2024 attendees stated themselves as End-User, almost 60% of them were first-time attendees. End-Users were primarily focused on sectors such as auditoriums / theatres / entertainment venues, audio / video production rooms for broadcast, corporate offices / collaboration spaces, classrooms or learning spaces and stadiums or sports arenas. 
  • AV channel attendees (70% of all ISE 2024 attendees, 43% of them first-time attendees) were heavily involved in AV integration / installation, distribution / reselling, IT integration / installation, AV manufacturing, rental/ staging/ live events/ meeting planning.

Educational Highlights and Expert Speakers:


  • A total of 363 expert speakers participated in ISE's programme of conferences, presentations, and panel discussions.
  • The conference programme, produced by AVIXA and CEDIA, covered key vertical markets served by the AV industry, including content production and distribution, control rooms, digital signage, live events, smart buildings, and smart home technology.
  • Keynote addresses from multi-Academy Award-winning director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, digital artist Jeroen van der Most, and creative partner Sofia Crespo provided valuable insights into the transformative power of storytelling, creative AI, and innovative projection mapping.

Media Coverage and Social Media Impact:


  • A total of 634 international media representatives from 36 countries covered the event, with extensive coverage in news outlets and media sources.
  • In the three-week period 24 January to 9 February, ISE 2024 was the subject of 13,658 online editorial articles, 1,880 of which were created by ISE Media Partners.
  • In the same period, Tier 1 media (national newspaper/business media) coverage of ISE 2024 comprised 612 online editorial articles, 79 print articles, 70 radio features and 53 TV features.
  • During the week of ISE 2024, 4,707 posts using the hashtag #ISE2024 were sent on X (formerly Twitter), with a total of 867,455 impressions and a potential reach of 10.94 million.

As the industry reflects on the success of ISE 2024, excitement builds for the future of pro-AV and systems integration, fuelled by innovation, collaboration, and the shared commitment to pushing boundaries and enhancing user experiences. With the next iteration of ISE scheduled for 4 - 7 February 2025 in Barcelona, industry professionals can look forward to another unparalleled experience that celebrates the industry's achievements and charts the course for its continued growth and evolution. 


Already, ISE 2025 is shaping up to be even larger than the record-breaking ISE 2024 with over 10% increase in current exhibitors re-booking booths compared to the previous year. The very strong demand for exhibition space has led ISE to expand availability by opening up Hall 8.1, enhancing opportunities for showcasing innovation and engagement. Space is still available, and the booking process opens up to new exhibitors on 1 March 2024. ISE welcomes inquiries from companies interested in exhibiting, ensuring a diverse and vibrant showcase at ISE 2025.


Click here to download the full ISE 2024 Facts & Figures report.
Find impressions from ISE 2024 here.