LED Technology that reproduces the light of the sunEscrito por Redacción TNI el 17/03/2015 a las 20:17:242990
The Barcelona firm Ledmotive Technologies has presented in the Mobile World Congress a new intelligent LED lighting technology. Connected to internet, it is a mobile application which can identify any light spectrum, from sunlight to artificial light, and reproduce it instantly in a lamp developed by the firm, located anywhere in the world.
This technology can be applied to all areas where light and its properties represent a fundamental value for the activity, such as professional lighting for museums, shops, health, fish farms, biology or photonics research, among others. Ledmotive, from Sant Adria de Besos, is one of the 60 companies present in the Catalan Government’s Catalonia stand at the Mobile World Congress.
The company was founded in 2012 as a spin-off of the Institute of Energy Research of Catalonia (IREC). According to its founder, José Carreras, "Ledmotive technology opens a new era of digital and controllable lighting: we are the first company in the world that is linking the accurate reproduction of the light spectrum to the Internet of Things (IoT). "
This is the first year that they are present at the Mobile World Congress that, according Carreras, offers "a unique opportunity to show the world how information technology and communications interact with lighting systems to provide homes, cities and societies with not only energy efficient light, but also a light that respects their needs and preferences."
Ledmotive expects to begin to commercialize this technology in the second half of the year, although it has already developed several prototypes since 2012. In fact, its devices have been part of an exhibition at the National Gallery in London. The company, which was one of eight winners of the Repsol Foundation Entrepreneurs Fund 2013, has patented technology in 16 countries and is undergoing patent approval in eight others. |