Leveraging MOOCs & eLearning for your OrganizationEscrito por Redacción TNI el 20/11/2013 a las 22:14:401509
Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are making headlines throughout higher education and has many of us wondering how to design better eLearning experiences to engage new audiences and further our institutions. Are MOOCs useful for the institutions? Which business models are needed to make it profitable? Which other e-marketing tools are really applicable to the LLL business? How to combine MOOCs with other e-marketing tools? Which are the possible roadmaps to define an active e.marketing strategy? What to do what to avoid?
Join Patricio Montesinos, head of unit of the Centre for Lifelong Learning at the Valencia University of Technology (UPV) as he explains how to develop an active strategy to share lifelong learning opportunities with an international audience. He will explore actionable strategies toleverage online tools to develop e.marketing and will discuss what is essential and what to avoid when constructing an eLearning experiences and LLL strategies. To register: http://iacee2014.stanford.edu/free-webinars/moocs-elearning.php?_vsrefdom=EmailMarketing |