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  5. Mobile industry leaders present common 5G vision

Mobile industry leaders present common 5G vision

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 10/03/2015 a las 20:28:29

The 5G Vision White Paper was launched at a media and industry analyst briefing organised as part of the MWC 2015, bringing together executives of global top technology companies and EU digital commissioner Günther Oettinger. The paper was authored by experts from the 5G Infrastructure Association which represents the private party of the 5G Public and Private Partnership (5G-PPP), a €1.4 billion joint initiative between the European ICT industry and the European Commission. Huawei, a Board member of the Association, shared its expertise as a key contributor to European 5G research and an end-to-end ICT leader with a global perspective.

“5G will represent a new wave of innovation. We need to ensure that technological revolution and business model evolution go hand-in-hand,” stressed Huawei’s President of 2012 Laboratories Dr. Li Yingtao. “Huawei is contributing to this process at every step of the way – from research to innovation via 5G tests in the EU, and globally. We are joining forces with our European partners to help the EU take the lead on the road towards 5G.”  

The Vision Paper presented today is a key step forward in this direction. By considering drivers and capabilities for 5G as well as design, technology and spectrum aspects, it aims to address all aspects of this transformation and contributes to achieving early consensus among key stakeholders. It also sets out a timelines which foresees commercial deployment by 2020.

Experts predict a 1000-fold increase in the demand for wireless capacity over the next decade. The sharp increase in mobile broadband demand means that an upgrade of network infrastructure is required to keep pace with this massive transformation of our industry.

Huawei is investing a tremendous R&D effort in 5G research and innovation and aims to turn this investment into technological progress for Europe thanks to an open and collaborative approach.

The company is working with industry leaders, consortiums, universities and innovation platforms and participating in EU 5G research projects including the METIS consortium and the 5G-PPP.

Huawei is also researching and trialling 5G technologies at Surrey University’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) in the UK.

In November 2014, it announced that it will be investing £5 million in the centre, as part of the $600 million it is committing to 5G research and innovation globally by 2018.

The White Paper can be downloaded here.