Operator saves millions of dollars yearly with Roaming Anti-Fraud SolutionEscrito por Redacción TNI el 27/05/2014 a las 21:01:461354
Starhome Mach, the global leader in mobile inter-carrier network and clearing house services, announced that a major European Tier 1 operator has significantly reduced roaming fraud expenses by about 600%, saving an average of more than $7 million per year with Starhome Mach’s Roaming Anti-Fraud solution.
Roaming fraud is an enormous problem within the GSM world due to the standard 4-hour delay in receiving Near Real Time Roaming Data Exchange (NRTRDE) records from visited networks and the response time of the home network’s Fraud Management Systems (FMS). According to a 2013 survey by the Communications Fraud Control Association, revenue loss from roaming fraud costs operators $6.1 billion per year and is rising.
Mobile network operators can easily track suspicious calls made by home-country subscribers. Once subscribers travel abroad, the home operator does not have sufficient, timely visibility of the calling activities of its outbound roamers. As fraud complexity increases, operators need a real-time roaming fraud prevention solution to eliminate roaming fraud threats and their related expenses.
“Starhome Mach’s Roaming Anti-Fraud solution is performing beyond our expectations,” said Guy Reiffer, VP Marketing and Partnerships at Starhome Mach. “Due to the high cost of fraud, a fast ROI is inevitable. All operators can reduce roaming fraud and its associated costs when they have the ability to accurately block, detect and act in real time. We work closely with our customers to stay current on fraudulent methods and activities, continuously developing new ways to further minimize loss and preserve revenues.”
Operators have several levels of fraud protection when using Starhome Mach’s Roaming Anti-Fraud solution. First, extensive barring capabilities and segmentation provide the flexibility to detect fraud and block calls of individual subscribers according to profiles, origination or destination country, and current location. When combined with the Starhome Mach call correction capability, Roaming Anti-Fraud simplifies identification of problem numbers when dialled in various formats, such as local dialling or the use of different international access codes. Second, the operator’s FMS will now receive call progress information in real time from the Roaming Anti-Fraud system. Using its own logic, the FMS can then more quickly detect fraudulent activities. At the third level is a unique, global premium number database and monthly report fed into Roaming Anti-Fraud, providing faster detection and prevention of premium number fraud.
“Criminals are always looking for system weaknesses,” continued Reiffer. “With Roaming Anti-Fraud operating in real time, even if they’ve found those vulnerabilities, they don’t have time to exploit them.”