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  5. PREEvision as a Reliable Guide for First Steps in AUTOSAR Adaptive

PREEvision as a Reliable Guide for First Steps in AUTOSAR Adaptive

Escrito por Agencias Externas el 18/06/2019 a las 19:59:12

Vector simplifies the introduction of AUTOSAR Adaptive: The model-based E/E development environment PREEvision comprehensively supports users in expanding existing software and hardware architectures with the capabilities of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform.

AUTOSAR Adaptive expands the AUTOSAR platform to meet the demands of current automotive trends like autonomous driving, electrification and connectivity. Thereby it transforms the established E/E development process in many aspects. The most significant change: Signal-based communication is replaced by a service-oriented design. C++ instead of C as the programming language for adaptive applications and a POSIX-based operating system like Linux for adaptive electronic control units (ECUs) are further groundbreaking shifts.

The model-based engineering environment PREEvision from Vector helps the user to take the first steps in utilizing AUTOSAR Adaptive. A comprehensive system approach allows the integration of adaptive ECUs or applications into existing architectures by basically using the same tools as for AUTOSAR Classic: The software diagrams support the modeling of adaptive applications, in the hardware network diagram users can connect high-performance machines with the existing domain-specific ECUs via Ethernet.

Additionally, PREEvision offers dedicated tools to design and model the specifics for AUTOSAR Adaptive: Service interfaces as a basic method of service-oriented architectures can be modeled in class diagrams. And the newly added state chart diagram can be used to visualize states and transitions for machines and processes.

Finally, PREEvision provides a dedicated user interface that leads the user step by step to an AUTOSAR-compliant model. The Adaptive Explorer allows easy access to the tools needed for each step: The design of services, service interfaces and adaptive applications and the deployment of software and the instantiation of services cover the service, software and communication design. The machine design, the definition of the network topology and the machine deployment comprise the hardware aspects.

From the AUTOSAR-compliant model, all relevant work products defined by AUTOSAR Adaptive can be exported easily by the user, like service interface descriptions, application manifests, machine manifests and service instance manifests. This makes PREEvision well suited for use in AUTOSAR and Automotive Ethernet design tool chains and facilitates the collaboration between OEMs and suppliers significantly.