Quantum ManifestoEscrito por Redacción TNI el 19/04/2016 a las 23:11:462032
The Quantum Manifesto, leadered by Ignacio Cirac among others, calls upon Member States and the European Commission to launch a €1 billion Flagship-scale Initiative in Quantum Technology, preparing for a start in 2018 within the European H2020 research and innovation framework programme.
This initiative aims to place Europe at the forefront of the second quantum revolution now unfolding worldwide, bringing transformative advances to science, industry and society. It will create new commercial opportunities addressing global challenges, provide strategic capabilities for security and seed as yet unimagined capabilities for the future. As is now happening around the world, developing Europe’s capabilities in quantum technologies will create a new knowledge-based industrial ecosystem, leading to long-term economic, scientific and societal benefits. It will result in a more sustainable, more productive, more entrepreneurial and more secure European Union.
From www.barcelonaqbit.com “The Quantum Information and CyberseQurity Think Tank”, we encourage all our community to sign the manifesto and contribute to build a strong business&research community around quantum technologies. Moreover, we are centering the efforts to show Barcelona as the best place to launch initiatives around Quantum Information, Computation and CiberseQurity.
This new technological era should be driven by industries and business environment. Please, show your support to the Quantum Manifesto and write #QuantumBarcelona in comments, just to identify people from barcelonaqbit.
http://qurope.eu/manifesto Let's make Europe the Quantum systems and technologies leader and share your support! |