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  5. RADWIN Wins Passenger Innovation of the Year Award 2017 at SmartRail Europe

RADWIN Wins Passenger Innovation of the Year Award 2017 at SmartRail Europe

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 25/04/2017 a las 17:44:29

RADWIN (, the leading provider of train-to-ground wireless communications solutions, has announced that it received the prestigious Passenger Innovation of the Year 2017 Award at the SmartRail Europe Innovation Awards in Amsterdam, Holland.





Luke Upton, Editor of SmartRail World and chair of the judging panel: “A big

congratulations to all the team at RADWIN for securing the Passenger Innovation of the Year 2017 award at SmartRail Europe. In a category full of fantastic innovations, RADWIN’s Next Generation Train-to-Ground solution which delivers 500 Mbps user throughput to trains - a figure unparalleled in the industry – stood out as a particularly strong entry and a worthy winner. We look forward to seeing what future developments RADWIN will deliver to further advance the transportation industry.”






Nir Hayzler, RADWIN’s VP and Head of Strategic Industries Business: “RADWIN is honored to receive this award for its FiberinMotion train-to-ground solution. FiberinMotion’s ability to provide 500 Mbps for trains on-the-move opens a new world of possibilities for rail and metro operators. With FiberinMotion, transport operators can enhance Wi-Fi connectivity, dramatically improve the passenger experience while differentiating themselves from the competition, and also increase revenue opportunities. The Wi-Fi network deployed by MaximaTelecom and RADWIN onboard the Moscow Metro has set a new industry standard for public transportation Wi-Fi service, winning multiple accolades globally.”