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  5. The DJI equipment that is helping in the fight against the coronavirus

The DJI equipment that is helping in the fight against the coronavirus

Escrito por Agencias Externas el 17/03/2020 a las 17:46:28

As we see how the fight against the coronavirus in China is showing successful results, with rates of infection starting to decrease, take a look at some of the DJI equipment that is contributing to this battle.

Supply Delivery

For epidemic prevention, drones can be utilised by officials to deliver emergency supplies to citizens.

Equipment: Matrice 600 Pro

Inspection, Dispersion and Broadcast

Drones can help disperse traffic and reduce close contact between traffic police and drivers.

Through its onboard speaker, drones can also be used to support public advisory efforts by broadcasting critical health and safety information.

Equipment: Mavic 2 Enterprise, Speaker, PSDK Speaker, High-Powered Speaker, Spotlight.

Body Temperature Measurement

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, common areas across China have required a quick temperature check to screen for potentially infected people. To minimise the risk of spreading the disease, DJI has experimented with a way to utilise the Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual to give an indication of body temperature. The results should therefore be treated as a reference and not be used as a standard for medical evaluation.

Equipment: Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual

Spraying Disinfectant

DJI Agras pilots across China have actively cooperated with partners to support epidemic prevention with DJI agriculture drones by spraying and disinfecting villages and main streets in towns.

Equipment: Agras MG-1P Series and Agras T16