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  5. WorldDAB confirms speakers for DAB+ session at European Radio Show

WorldDAB confirms speakers for DAB+ session at European Radio Show

Escrito por Redacción TNI el 23/01/2018 a las 11:44:13

WorldDAB has confirmed the programme for its digital radio session, which takes place at the European Radio Show in Paris, from January 25-27. Titled ‘DAB+ for France – communications, cars, connected’, speakers from across Europe will discuss the latest DAB+ progress and innovations. The WorldDAB session takes place on January 26th and will be preceded by a presentation from Olivier Schrameck, Président, Le conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA). 

Representatives from France, Germany, Italy Norway and The United States will cover the progress of DAB+ around the world, the newly accelerated roll-out in France, Norway’s digital switchover and the importance of digital radio in the car.

Confirmed speakers and topics include:

  • DAB+ Global Update, Jean-Marc Dubreuil, WorldDAB
  • Norway’s lessons learned from the DSO process, Ole Jørgen Torvmark, CEO, Digital Radio Norway
  • Communicating DAB+ to the listener, Carsten Zorger, Director, Digitalradio Büro Deutschland
  • DAB+ in Italy – recent developments on receiver legislation, Sergio Natucci, Chief Operating Officer, DAB Italia
  • A French radio broadcaster’s perspective on DAB+, Antoine Baduel, CEO, Radio FG, France
  • Digital radio and the connected car – a powerful combination for broadcast radio, Joe d’Angelo, Senior Vice President, Broadcast Radio, Xperi, United States
  • Guidelines for the in-car user experience and the UK’s DAB car adaptor pilot study, Laurence Harrison, Market Development Director, Digital Radio UK

In December, French regulator the CSA announced its plan for the accelerated rollout of DAB+ in France. By 2020, the 47 most populated areas of France (over 70% of the population) will be covered by a regional DAB+ multiplex and 47% by a local multiplex. When population coverage reaches 20%, this will trigger legislation that new receivers should include DAB+ as well as FM.
The European Radio Show takes place at the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris, from January 25-27. More information is available at